Wednesday, April 11, 2012

...Food Is Inspiration!

Well, college students across the nation are anxiously waiting for this semester to be at an end... FINALLY!

Although this blog was originally an assignment for my Mass Communication class, I hope that I can keep up with it on a regular basis after the semester ends. 

Let's be real, doing a blog for an assignment isn't the worst thing I could be doing, right?

But before the classes end, I just wanted to give a shout out to all of you who have been following me thus far! This has been a fun project! The recipes I have posted so far have kept me and my husband very well-fed!

I want to try something different though, I want you guys to get more involved. Instead of me searching for recipes to make, I need YOU to suggest some to me. Maybe some you have tried (and perhaps failed) or something you are unsure if you want to try! 

Being a housewife is not that easy! I mean, we all have other duties and responsibilities outside of making meals that we need to fulfill. But so far, our household has become a very happy place when it's filled with the sweet smell of dinner cooking! Moods lift, taste buds soar.
It's interesting- the power food has over us humans, isn't it? We live in a fast-paced world with everything at our fingertips. But there really is something to a home-cooked meal of chicken and rice. McDonalds cannot even compare!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's world it to take the time out of our crazy lives and SLOW IT DOWN. Make something good for our families. For me, I feel so proud and appreciated when I have a meal ready for my husband when he get's home. It's no even that I love played the quintessential 'homemaker' role, I just love the smile on his face when his belly is hungry and his body is tired. There's a certain satisfaction good food (and making it for others) brings.

Food is an inspiration! 

And to all of you out there who have not yet become Betty Crockers.. Keep on trying! You'll get there. I'm definitely not there yet but I've learned that it takes time... and trial and error to be a good cook. 

There is hope for you yet.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Alright so this week I kind of had to dig for someone who I thought would be good inspiration in the kitchen... and even still this might be a stretch. But I thought it was an interesting find.

I'm not sure if you've ever heard of the Mary Tyler Moore Show, but you should check it out. It's a series about an independent woman who works in the city. But for the time being, I wish to talk about another character on the show, "The Happy Homemaker", Sue Ann Nivens, played by none other than...
Betty White
 (Retrieved from:
She plays a relentlessly happy, perky, sweet yet sassy character. 
According to wiki:
"Nivens was a perfectionist; she once confessed she would rather flush her Veal Prince Orloff (a French dish) down a toilet than serve it reheated. She was also full of helpful hints for all occasions and always ready to make lemons into lemonade... Although Sue Ann presented an image of a sweet, perfect wife and homemaker on-screen, she was actually sardonic, man-obsessed, and very competitive..."

She sounds like a doozy. Haha super icky-sweet but spicy at the same time ya know? 
So what do you think about her image? 
On the outside she is the perfect domesticated wife, but almost has male-like characteristics about her once you go beneath the surface. 
Do you think a lot of women are like this? I mean do they act all perfect but are really crazy on the inside? Haha I don't know, but I've met my fair share of crazies.

It's interesting to me how much the woman's image has changed over the years....The Mary Tyler Moore Show was a very progressive television show for its time. No women has ever been portrayed as confident, independent women living alone and working in the city. But NOW, many women are seen as just that.

I searched for the "Happy Homemaker" on youtube and a MILLION different videos popped up... I couldn't decide which one to post on here, but feel free to check it out. Quite funny.

I'm not sure exactly what inspiration Betty White as Sue Ann Nivens actually gives us, but perhaps my message is that we should not be crazy while trying to uphold the "Happy Homemaker" image... Just be yourself. 

Side Note:
If you're not good at cooking or cleaning (yet), give yourself time. Start with baby steps and work your way up! So far, doing this blog has helped me learn patience.... Something EVERY housewife (and I would argue everyONE) has to have, no matter what stage of life they find themselves in.